

The "Templer Times" was originally conceived as a family newsletter back in 1997 by Becky Templer Breazeale in an effort to bring together the family members who share George Washington and Eliza Chadwick Templer as their ancestors. As we made contact with more and more cousins in the broader scope of the Templer family, we expanded the newsletter to include any Templer family member linked back to James and Martha Huff Templer, our ancestors from Loudoun County, Virginia. This expansion succeeded and for over seven years the newsletter was published three times a year and mailed to all family members who were on our mailing list. The success of the newsletter is largely dependent on all Templer family members participating by submitting information for publication. As content slowed, we trimmed the publication schedule back to two issues a year beginning in 2005. Then a few years ago we added the email distribution to the regular mail distribution via a PDF file. As we enter our 13th year of publication, we are again cutting back on the production of the newsletter to once a year as participation from family members has slowed and will now only distribute via email as production costs and postage continue to increase

Content includes family news, such as births, engagements, marriages, deaths, as well as other news of what's happening in your world if submitted by family members. Also of interest are family history stories, recipes (especially family favorites), funny stories, jokes (clean enough for family viewing - hopefully kids are reading TEMPLER TIMES!) and anything else you think will be welcome.

The newsletter will be published once a year, usually in the summer. We will now offer only a PDF version of the newsletter available at no cost for those who wish to get the newsletter by email. We would hope that those that receive the newsletter by email will assist their local cousins who don't have email by printing a copy and getting it to them. Becky will continue to edit this newsletter and will make changes to your submissions only to the extent of spelling and punctuation leaving your content intact-unless you prefer to just send facts and to have it "put together" for the newsletter. Occasionally the submissions may need to be edited for length to fit the newsletter paging for a particular issue but we will try to keep that to a minimum

Send all information regarding births, deaths, marriages, etc. to Charles Templer so that they may be recorded in the genealogy files. Other types of submissions may be sent directly to Becky Templer Breazeale for insertion into the newsletter. If you want to receive the newsletter by email send a request by email to Becky.

Becky and husband Richard

August 1998

1. James Templer (b. abt 1755-d. aft 1846)
2. Thomas Templer (b. abt 1787-d. aft1850)
3. Stacy Elicot Templer (b. 1814 -d. 1874)
4. George Washington Templer (b. 1853-d. 1908)
5. Charles Eugene Templer (b. 1877-d. 1960)
6. Charles Gaylord Templer (b. 1923-d. 1983)
7. Mary Rebecca Templer Breazeale (b. 1956-)

I added the Breazeale on January 1, 1993 when I married Richard Branson Breazeale in Pasadena, Texas. If you would like to subscribe to or submit any news, information, etc. to TEMPLER TIMES you can contact me at 12121 Goliad Lane, Willis, TX. 77378, or via e-mail at becky.breazeale@suddenlink.net for information or news.

1. Henry (Brassel) Breazeale (b.1620 d. 1662)
2. Henry Brazeel (1650 - 1720)
3. Henry Breazeale, Jr. (1681 - 1770)
4. Elijah Breazeale (1718 - 1790)
5. Henry Breazeale (1740 - 1784)
6. Willis Breazeale (1765 - 1859)
7. Elijah W. Breazeale (1804 - 1876)
8. Willis Lafayett Breazeale (1831 - ?)
9. James Houston Breazeale (1858 - 1941)
10. James Houston Breazeale, Jr. (1889 - 1966)
11. James Branson Breazeale (1914 - 2000)
12. Richard Branson Breazeale (1941 -2008)

Amended 21 July 2010